Chapter 57 commands for ulpp, 1 clear ulpp flush counter interface, 2 control vlan – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 826: 3 debug ulpp error, Clear ulpp flush counter interface, Control vlan, Debug ulpp error
Commands for Reliability Chapter 4 Commands for ULPP
Chapter 57 Commands for ULPP
57.1 clear ulpp flush counter interface
Command: clear ulpp flush counter interface
Function: Clear the statistic information of the flush packets.
Parameter: <name> is the name of the port.
Default: None.
Command mode: Admin mode.
Usage Guide: None.
Example: Clear the statistic information of the flush packets for the port1/1.
Switch# reset ulpp flush counter interface e1/1
ULPP flush counter has been reset.
57.2 control vlan
Command: control vlan
no control vlan
Function: Configure the control VLAN of ULPP group, the no command restores the default value.
Default: The default is VLAN 1.
Command mode: ULPP group configuration mode.
Usage Guide: Configure the control VLAN of ULPP group. Control vlan has no relation to the
corresponding data VLAN that exist or don‘t exist, it is only used to match the receiving control VLAN.
Example: Configure the sending control VLAN of ULPP group as 10.
Switch(config)# ulpp group 20
Switch(ulpp-group-20)# control vlan 10
57.3 debug ulpp error
Command: debug ulpp error
no debug ulpp error
Function: Show the error information of ULPP. The no operation disables showing the error information
of ULPP.
Parameter: None.
Default: Do not display.
Command mode: Admin mode.
Usage Guide: None.
Example: Show the error information of ULPP.
Switch# debug ulpp error
Unrecognized Flush packet received.