88 route-target, 89 set vpnv4 next-hop, Route – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 556: Target, Set vpnv, Next

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35.88 route-target

Command: route-target {import|export|both}

no route-target {import|export|both} <rt-val>

Function:Configure the route extended community attributes, so to determine whether the route be

spreader to specific VRF.

Parameter: is the same as RD form, standing for the extended community attributes of the


Command Mode: vrf mode

Usage Guide:Under VRF mode, the configured RT attributes decides which VRF will accept the route.

There are 3 RT configurations: the import RT stands for the RT value acceptable by this VRF, the export

RT represents the RT value carried with this VRF when routing spreading, both refers to above two

option both enabled. If the export RT carried with the received route ever matches with the import RT of

this VRF, then this VRF will accept this route or else not (except for the no bgp inbound-route-filter is

configured which enables RD match). Several RT can be configured on the same VRF. Normally we set

one RT with the both mode so to equal the RD and RT_VALUE.


Switch(config)#ip vrf DC1

Switch(config-vrf)#rd 100:10

Switch(config-vrf)#route-target both 100:10


In above example is created a VRF named DC1 with RD value 100:10. the RT is configured bilateral. The

RT-VALUE is equal to RD.

35.89 set vpnv4 next-hop

Command: set vpnv4 next-hop

no set vpnv4 next-hop <ip-addr>

Function: Configure the nexthop of the VPNv4 route.

Parameter: <ip-addr>is nexthop of vpnv4 route

Command Mode: vrf mode

Usage Guide:Configure VPNv4 route nexthop with this command. As normal nexthop settings are only

for IPv4 route, this command specially configures the VPNv4 address-family.


Configure the address-family as follows:

Switch(config)#route-map map1 permit 15

Switch(config-map)#match interface Vlan1