9 show dns client, 10 ip domain-lookup, 11 ip domain-list – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 850: Show dns client, Ip domain, Lookup, List

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61.9 show dns client

Command: show dns client

Function: Display the DNS Client information maintained by the switch.

Parameter: None.

Command Mode: Admin and Configuration Mode.


Switch(config)#show dns client


Total number of dns request is 2

Address Request Id 1 2

61.10 ip domain-lookup

Command: ip domain-lookup

no ip domain-lookup

Function: To enable/disable DNS function, whether the switch will send dynamic DNS domain queries to

the real DNS server or not.

Parameter: None.

Command Mode: Global Mode.

Default: Disabled.

Usage Guide: This command is used to enable or disable the switch DNS dynamic query function. If

DNS dynamic query function is enabled, the DNS server will resolve the host name and domain name to

the IPv4 or IPv6 address for requests from the clients. If DNS is disabled, client applications will not be

able to send any DNS requests to the DNS server. In this situation, only the static address resolution is

available. For the address mapping in the resolve cache, which is learnt through DNS before, will be

invalid after aging.

Example: To enable DNS function, can resolve the domain name dynamic.

Switch(config)# ip domain-lookup

61.11 ip domain-list

Command: ip domain-list

no ip domain-list

Function: To configure/delete domain name suffix.

Parameter: is the character string of domain name suffix, less than 63 characters.

Command Mode: Global Mode.

Default: Disabled.

Usage Guide: This command is used to configure or delete suffix of domain name, when the entered

domain name is not integrity (such as sina), the switch can add suffix automatically, after that, address

mapping can run, the domain name suffix can be configured no more than 6. The first configured domain

name suffix will be added first.