53 neighbor dont-capability-negotiate, 54 neighbor ebgp-multihop, Neighbor dont – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 538: Capability, Negotiate, Neighbor ebgp, Multihop

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Switch(config-router)# neighbor distribute-list 101 out

Related Command: ip access-list

35.53 neighbor dont-capability-negotiate

Command: neighbor {|} dont-capability-negotiate

no neighbor {|} dont-capability-negotiate

Function: Set to not perform capability negotiate in creating connections. The “no neighbor

{|} dont-capability-negotiate” command cancels this configuration.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of the peer group.

Default: Capability negotiation performed.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: As the negotiation is the default, it can be disabled with this configuration when it is known

that the partner BGP version is old which don’t support capability negotiation.

Example: Last addition capability negotiation will not be realized in the connection by configuring as


Switch(config-router)#neighbor dont-capability-negotiate

35.54 neighbor ebgp-multihop

Command: neighbor {|} ebgp-multihop [<1-255>]

no neighbor {|} ebgp-multihop [<1-255>]

Function: Configures the EBGP neighbors can existing in different segment as well as its hop count

(TTL). The “no neighbor {|} ebgp-multihop [<1-255>]” set that the EBGP

neighbors must be in the same segment.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of the peer group.

<1-255>: Allowed hop count.

Default: Must be in the same segment.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: Without this command, EBGP peers are required to be in the same segment and after this

command is configured, peer addresses may from different segments. The allowed hop count can be

configured and will be 255 if not.


Three device and connected respectively to the two interface and of another device. IGP accessibilities of and on both side

routes are ensured through static configuration. The neighbor relationship is established only after both

side are configured as follows: