55 neighbor enforce-multihop, 56 neighbor filter-list, Neighbor enforce – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 539: Multihop, Neighbor filter, List

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Switch(config-router)#neighbor ebgp-multihop


Switch(config-router)#neighbor ebgp-multihop

After this, switches in different segments will be able to create BGP neighbor relationship.

35.55 neighbor enforce-multihop

Command: neighbor {|} enforce-multihop

no neighbor {|} enforce-multihop

Function: Enforce the multihop connection to the neighbor. The “no neighbor {|}

enforce-multihop” command cancels this configuration.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of peer group.

Default: Not enforced.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: In fact the direct route can not be enforced to multihop, however will be treated as a

multihop connection with this configuration, namely the check originally only performed on IBGP and

EBGP of non-direct routes will be performed on all after this attribute set. The nexthop direct connected

check will not be performed at exit in enforce multihop conditions.


Switch(config-router)#neighbor enforce-multihop

35.56 neighbor filter-list

Command: neighbor {|} filter-list <.LINE> {|}

no neighbor {|} filter-list <.LINE> {|}

Function: Access-list control for AS-PATH. The “no neighbor {|} filter-list

<.LINE> {|}” cancels the AS-PATH access-list control.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of peer group.

: AS-PATH access-list name configured through ip as-path access-list <.LINE>


Default: Not configured.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address list mode.