6 interface, 7 preempt-mode, 8 priority – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 812: Interface, Preempt, Mode, Priority

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54.6 interface

Commands: interface {IFNAME | Vlan <ID>}

no interface

Function: Configures the VRRP interface.

Parameters: IFNAME: Interface name, for example “VLAN1”.

Vlan <ID>: VLAN ID.

Default: Not configured by default.

Command mode: VRRP protocol configuration mode

Usage Guide: This command adds a layer 3 interface to an existing Standby cluster. The "no interface"
command removes the L3 interface from the specified Standby cluster.

Example: Configuring the interface as "interface vlan 1".

Switch(config-router)#router vrrp 10

Switch(Config-router)#interface vlan 1

54.7 preempt-mode

Commands: preempt-mode {true | false}

Function: Configures the preemptive mode for VRRP.

Parameters: N/A.

Command mode: VRRP protocol configuration mode

Default: Preemptive mode is set by default.

Usage Guide: If a router (or L3 Ethernet switch) requiring high priority needs to preemptively become the

active router (or L3 Ethernet switch), the preemptive mode should be enabled.

Example: Setting non-preemptive VRRP mode.

Switch(Config-Router-Vrrp)#preempt-mode false

54.8 priority

Commands: priority <value>

Function: Configures VRRP priority.

Parameters: is the priority value, ranging from 1 to 254.

Default: The priority of all backup routers (or L3 Ethernet switch) in a Standby cluster is 100.

Command mode: VRRP protocol configuration mode

Usage Guide: Priority determines the ranking of a router (or L3 Ethernet switch) in a Standby cluster, the
higher priority the more likely to become the Master. When a router (or L3 Ethernet switch) is configured
as Master dummy IP address, its priority is always 254 and does not allow modification. When 2 or more
routers (or L3 Ethernet switch) with the same priority value present in a Standby cluster, the router (or L3
Ethernet switch) with the greatest VLAN interface IP address becomes the Master.

Example: Setting VRRP priority to 150.

Switch(Config-Router-Vrrp)# priority 150