6 debug ipv6 rip, 7 debug ipv6 rip redistribute message send, Debug ipv – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 437: Rip redistribute message send

background image


Switch(config-router)#distribute-list prefix myfilter in Vlan1

32.6 debug ipv6 rip


debug ipv6 rip [events| nsm| packet [recv|send][detail]| all]

no debug ipv6 rip [events| nsm| packet [recv|send][detail]| all]


For opening various debugging switches of RIPng, showing various debugging messages. The “no

debug ipv6 rip [events| nsm| packet [recv|send][detail]| all]” command close the corresponding

debugging switch.


events shows the debugging message of RIPng events

nsm shows the communication messages between RIPng and NSM.

packet shows the debugging messages of RIPng data packets

recv shows the messages of the received data packets

send shows the messages of the sent data packets

detail shows the messages of the data packets received or sent.


Not enabled

Command Mode:

Admin mode


Switch#debug ipv6 rip packet

Switch#1970/01/01 21:15:08 IMI: SEND[Ethernet1/10]: Send to [ff02::9]:521

1970/01/01 21:15:08 IMI: SEND[Ethernet1/2]: Send to [ff02::9]:521

1970/01/01 21:15:09 IMI: RECV[Ethernet1/10]: Receive from [fe80::20b:46ff:fe57:8e60]:521

1970/01/01 21:15:09 IMI: RECV[Ethernet1/10]: 3000:1:1::/64 is filtered by access-list dclist

1970/01/01 21:15:09 IMI: RECV[Ethernet1/10]: 3ffe:1:1::/64 is filtered by access-list dclist

1970/01/01 21:15:15 IMI: RECV[Ethernet1/2]: Receive from [fe80::203:fff:fe01:257c]:521

32.7 debug ipv6 rip redistribute message send


debug ipv6 rip redistribute message send

no debug ipv6 rip redistribute message send


To enable the debugging of sending messages for routing redistribution messages from OSPFv3 or

other external process for RIPng. The no form of this command will disable the debugging


