48 neighbor capability orf prefix-list, Neighbor capability orf prefix, List – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 535

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Usage Guide: This is an extended BGP capability. With this configuration supported capabilities by both

side will be negotiated in the OPEN messages, and the partner will respond if this capability is supported

by the partner and send NOTIFICATION if not. The originating side will then send an OPEN excluded the

capability to reestablish the connection. The dynamic capability refers to when the address family

negotiation changes, the connection don’t have to be restarted. Route refresh refers to sending refresh

request when configuring some soft reconfigurable attributes and the partner will retransmit the existing

route to the originating side. With route refresh attribute, the connection will not have to be restarted but

be refreshed with the clear ip bgp * soft in command.


Switch(config-router)#neighbor capability dynamic

Switch(config-router)# no neighbor capability route-refresh

35.48 neighbor capability orf prefix-list

Command: neighbor {|} capability orf prefix-list {||}

no neighbor {|} capability orf prefix-list


Function: Configure the out route filter capability negotiation between neighbors. The “no neighbor

{|} capability orf prefix-list {||}” command set to not

perform the negotiation.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of peer group.

Default: ORF capability not configured.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: This is an extended BGP capability. With this configuration supported capabilities by both

side will be negotiated in the OPEN messages, and the partner will respond if this capability is supported

by the partner and send NOTIFICATION if not. The originating side will then send an OPEN excluded the

capability to reestablish the connection. With this capability, the side configured with in prefix-list filter

rules will transmit its own filter rules to the peer, the peer group will apply this rule as its own out rules, so

to avoid sending route which will be denied by the partner.


Switch(config-router)#neighbor capability orf prefix-list both

Relevant Commands: neighbor capability, no neighbor capability