7 ntp authentication-key, 8 ntp trusted-key, 9 ntp disable – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 842: Ntp authentication, Ntp trusted, Ntp disable

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Switch(config)#ntp authenticate

60.7 ntp authentication-key

Command: ntp authentication-key <key-id> md5 <value>

no ntp authentication-key <key-id>

Function: To enable/cancel NTP authentication function, and defined NTP authentication key.

Parameter: key-id: The id of key, range is from 1 to 4294967295.

value: The value of key, range between 1 to 16 of ascii code.

Default: The authentication key of NTP authentication is not configured by default.

Command Mode: Global Mode.

Usage Guide: None.

Example: To define the authentication key of NTP authentication, the key-id is 20, the md5 is abc.

Switch(config)# ntp authentication-key 20 md5 abc

60.8 ntp trusted-key

Command: ntp trusted-key <key-id>

no ntp trusted-key <key-id>

Function: To configure the trusted key. The no command cancels the trusted key.

Parameter: key-id: The id of key, range is from 1 to 4294967295.

Default: Trusted key is not configured by default.

Command Mode: Global Mode.

Usage Guide: None.

Example: To configure the specified key 20 to trusted key.

Switch(config)# ntp trusted-key 20

60.9 ntp disable

Command: ntp disable

no ntp disable

Function: To disable/enable the NTP function on port.

Parameter: None.

Default: To enable NTP function on all ports.

Command Mode: Interface Configuration Mode.

Usage Guide: None.

Example: To disable the NTP function on vlan1 interface.

Switch(config)# interface vlan 1

Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ntp disable