8 mrpp port-scan-mode, 9 mrpp ring, 10 mrpp ring primary-port – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 823: Mrpp port, Scan, Mode, Mrpp ring, Mrpp ring primary, Port
Default: The system doesn’t enable MRPP protocol module.
Usage Guide: If it needs to configure MRPP ring, it enables MRPP protocol. Executing “no mrpp
enable” command, it ensures to disable the switch enabled MRPP ring.
Example: Globally enable MRPP.
Switch(config)#mrpp enable
56.8 mrpp port-scan-mode
Command: mrpp port-scan-mode {interrupt | pool}
no mrpp port-scan-mode
Function: Set the scan mode of the mrpp port as “interrupt” or “pool”.
Parameter: interrupt: the interrupt mode; pool: the pool mode.
Command Mode: Global Mode
Default: The default scan mode is active pool.
Switch(config)#mrpp enable
Switch(config)#mrpp port-scan-mode interrupt
56.9 mrpp ring
Command: mrpp ring <ring-id>
no mrpp ring
Function: Create MRPP ring, and access MRPP ring mode, the “no mrpp ring<ring-id>” command
deletes configured MRPP ring.
Command Mode: Global Mode
Usage Guide: If this MRPP ring doesn’t exist it create new MRPP ring when executing the command,
and then it enter MRPP ring mode. It needs to ensure disable this MRPP ring when executing the “no
mrpp ring” command.
Switch(config)#mrpp ring 100
56.10 mrpp ring primary-port
Command: mrpp ring <ring-id> primary-port
no mrpp ring <ring-id> primary-port
Function: Specify MRPP ring primary-port.
Command Mode: Port mode
Default: None
Usage Guide: The command specifies MRPP ring primary port. Primary node uses primary port to send
Hello packet, secondary port is used to receive Hello packet from primary node. There are no difference
on function between primary port and secondary of secondary node.