65 neighbor prefix-list, 66 neighbor remote-as, Neighbor prefix – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 544: List, Neighbor remote

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Parameter: <ip-address>: Neighbor IP address.

: Name of the peer group.

<0-65535>: TCP port number.

Default: Default port number is 179.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: This is a configuration when the partner may connect through ports not specified by BGP.


Switch(config-router)#neighbor port 1023

35.65 neighbor prefix-list

Command: neighbor {|} prefix-list {}

no neighbor {|} prefix-list {|}

Function: Configure the prefix restrictions applied in sending or receiving routes from specified

neighbors.The “no neighbor {|} prefix-list {|}

command cancels this configuration.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of the peer group.

: Name or sequence number of the prefix-list.

: Direction on which the restrictions applied.

Default: No prefix restrictions applied.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: Specify the prefix and its scope by configuring ip prefix-list and determines whether this

scope is permitted or denied. Only the route with permitted prefix will be sent or received.


Switch(config)#ip prefix-list prw permit ge 23 le 25

Switch(config)#router bgp 200

Switch(config-router)#redistribute static

Switch(config-router)neighbor prefix-list prw out

35.66 neighbor remote-as

Command: neighbor {|} remote-as

no neighbor {|} [remote-as ]

Function: Configure the BGP neighbor. The “no neighbor {|} [remote-as

]” command is used for deleting BGP neighbors.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address