22 permit | deny(ipv6 standard), 23 permit | deny(mac extended), Permit – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 743: Deny, Standard, Mac extended

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Commands for Security Function Chapter 2 Commands for 802.1x


Function: Create an extended nomenclature IPv6 access control rule for specific IPv6 protocol.

Parameter: is the source IPv6 address;<sPrefixlen> is the length of the IPv6 address

prefix, the range is 1~128; is the destination IPv6 address;<dPrefixlen> is the length of

the IPv6 address prefix, the range is 1 ~ 128;<igmp-type>,type of the IGMP;,icmp

type;,icmp protocol number;,IPv6 priority ,the range is 0~63; ,value

of the flow label, the range is 0~1048575;syn,ack,urg,rst,fin,psh,tcp label position; , source

port number, the range is 0~65535; , the down boundary of source port; , the

up boundary of source port;

, destination port number, the range is 0~65535; , the

down boundary of destination port; , the up boundary of destination port. ,

the IPv6 next-header. , time range name.

Command Mode: IPv6 nomenclature extended access control list mode

Default: No access control list configured.

Example: Create an extended access control list named udpFlow, denying the igmp packets while

allowing udp packets with destination address 2001:1:2:3::1 and destination port 32.

Switch(config)#ipv6 access-list extended udpFlow

Switch(Config-IPv6-Ext-Nacl-udpFlow)#deny igmp any any-destination

Switch(Config-IPv6-Ext-Nacl-udpFlow)#permit udp any-source host-destination 2001:1:2:3::1

dPort 32

41.22 permit | deny(ipv6 standard)

Command: [no] {deny | permit} {{/sPrefixlen>} | any-source | {host-source


Function: Create a standard nomenclature IPv6 access control rule; the “no” form of this command

deletes the nomenclature standard IPv6 access control rule.

Parameter: is the prefix of the source IPv6 address,<sPrefixlen> is the length of the

IPv6 address prefix, the valid range is 1~128. is the source IPv6 address.

Command Mode: Standard IPv6 nomenclature access list mode

Default: No access list configured by default.

Usage Guide:

Example: Permit packets with source address of 2001:1:2:3::1/64 while denying those with source

address of 2001:1:2:3::1/48.

Switch(config)#ipv6 access-list standard ipv6Flow

Switch(Config-IPv6-Std-Nacl-ipv6Flow)# permit 2001:1:2:3::1/64

Switch(Config-IPv6-Std-Nacl-ipv6Flow)# deny 2001:1:2:3::1/48

41.23 permit | deny(mac extended)



