Chapter 58 commands for ulsm, 1 debug ulsm event, 2 show ulsm group – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 836: 3 ulsm group, Debug ulsm event, Show ulsm group, Ulsm group

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Commands for Network Time Management Content


Chapter 58 Commands for ULSM

58.1 debug ulsm event

Command: debug ulsm event

no debug ulsm event

Function: Show the event information of ULSM. The no operation disables showing ULSM events.

Parameter: None.

Default: None.

Command mode: Admin Mode.

Usage Guide: None.

Example: Show the event information of ULSM.

Switch# debug ulsm event

Downlink synchoronized with ULSM group, change state to Down.

58.2 show ulsm group

Command: show ulsm group [group-id]

Function: Show the configuration information of ULSM group.

Parameter: [group-id]: the ID of ULSM group.

Default: By default, show the information of all ULSM groups which have been configured.

Command mode: Admin Mode.

Usage Guide: None.

Example: Show the configuration information of ULSM group1.

Switch# show ulsm group 1

ULSM group 1 information:

ULSM group state: Up

Member Role State Down by ULSM


ethernet1/1 UpLINK Up

ethernet1/2 DownLINK Down Yes

ethernet1/3 DownLINK Up

58.3 ulsm group

Command: ulsm group

no ulsm group

Function: Create a ULSM group. The no command deletes the ULSM group.

Parameter: <group-id> is the ID of ULSM group, range from 1 to 32.

Default: There is no ULSM group configured by default.

Command mode: Global Mode.

Usage Guide: None.

Example: Create ULSM group 10.