Chapter 56 commands for mrpp, 1 control-vlan, 2 clear mrpp statistics – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 820: 3 debug mrpp, Control, Vlan, Clear mrpp statistics, Debug mrpp

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Chapter 56 Commands for MRPP

56.1 control-vlan

Command: control-vlan <vid>

no control-vlan

Function: Configure control VLAN ID of MRPP ring; the“no control-vlan” command deletes control


Parameter: expresses control VLAN ID, the valid range is from 1 to 4094.

Command Mode: MRPP ring mode

Default: None

Usage Guide: The command specifies Virtual VLAN ID of MRPP ring, currently it can be any value in

1-4094.To avoid confusion, it is recommended that the ID is non-configured VLAN ID, and the same to

MRPP ring ID. In configuration of MRPP ring of the same MRPP loop switches, the control VLAN ID must

be the same, otherwise the whole MRPP loop may can’t work normally or form broadcast.

The mrpp enable command must be start before the control-vlan command be used. If primary port,

secondary port, node-mode and enable commands all be configured after control-vlan, the mrpp-ring

function is enabled.

Example: Configure control VLAN of mrpp ring 4000 is 4000.

Switch(config)#mrpp ring 4000

Switch(mrpp-ring-4000)#control-vlan 4000

56.2 clear mrpp statistics

Command: clear mrpp statistics [<ring-id>]

Function: Clear statistic information of MRPP data packet of MRPP ring receiving and transferring.

Parameter: is MRPP ring ID, the valid range is from 1 to 4096, if not specified ID, it clears all of

MRPP ring statistic information.

Command Mode: Admin Mode.

Default: None.

Usage Guide: None.

Example: Clear statistic information of MRPP ring 4000 of switch.

Switch#clear mrpp statistics 4000

56.3 debug mrpp

Command: debug mrpp

no debug mrpp

Function: Open MRPP debug information; “no description” command disables MRPP debug


Command Mode: Admin Mode

Parameter: None.

Usage Guide: Enable MRPP debug information, and check message process of MRPP protocol and

receive data packet process, it is helpful to monitor debug.