4 match as-path, 5 match community, Match as – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 385: Path, Match community
29.4 match as-path
match as-path
no match as-path [
Configure the AS path domain for matching the BGP routing messages. The “no match as-path
<list-name > is the name of access-list.
Command Mode:
route-map mode
Usage Guide:
This command matches the AS path domain of the BGP routing message following the rules
specified in the as-path list. If the matching succeeded, then the “permit” or “deny” action in the
route-map is performed.
Switch#config terminal
Switch(config)#route-map r1 permit 5
Switch(config-route-map)#match as-path 60
29.5 match community
match community <community-list-name | community-list-num > [exact-match]
no match community [<community-list-name | community-list-num > [exact-match]]
Configure the community attributes of BGP routing messages. The “no match community
[<community-list-name | community-list-num > [exact-match]]” command deletes this
<community-list-name > is the name of the community-list, <community-list-num > is the
community-list sequence number, ranging between 1~99(Standard ACL)or 100~199(Extended
ACL), [exact-match] means precise matching.
Command Mode:
route-map mode
Usage Guide:
This command matches the community attributes of the BGP routing message following the rules
specified in the community list. If the matching succeeded, then the “permit” or “deny” action in the
route-map is performed.