Led spacing mode – Ag Leader InSight Ver.8.0 Users Manual User Manual

Page 60

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No text is displayed on the screen.

• Pass & Error
Provides the pass number and error from the center of the swath.

• GPS Status
Displays GPS and Differential information on the text screen.

• Pass Number
Displays the current pass number for that field.

• Start Line Distance
Displays the distance from the start of a pass (increasing).

• End Line Distance
Displays the distance from the end of a pass (decreasing).

• True Heading
Displays the actual degree heading from True North.

• X Track Err
Displays the error between current position and swath.

• Heading Err
Displays the degree error for the heading from the center of the swath.

• Ground Speed
Displays ground speed only.

• Pass & Speed
Provides pass number and ground speed.

• Demo Mode
Used for demonstration only, cycles power on and off.

• Curve Arrows
Displays arrows indicating the direction and magnitude of the correction, more arrows indicate a sharper
turn. For curved modes only.

• Pts On Curve
Displays the number of points that have been logged on the pass.

LED Spacing Mode

Use the Linear or Scaled settings to set the spacing interval of the lightbar LED’s.

• Linear
Set the light bar to show off-line distance on a line. i.e. A setting of one foot off line from the center of the
swath will be represented by one LED. The second LED will represent two feet etc.

• Scaled
Sets the first 10 LED’s each side of the lightbar on a linear scale. The outer 7 LED’s on each side are scaled
to represent an end value setting.