Vehicle tab - advanced settings, Gps offsets, Mounting positions on the tractor. see – Ag Leader InSight Ver.8.0 Users Manual User Manual
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After completing the process of setting up a Vehicle, advanced GPS Offsets must be configured. The
GPS Offsets define where machine rear axle, hitch, and product placement is in relation to the GPS
antenna. These settings are used by mapping, product control, and Automatic Swath Control.
Antenna Offsets
The Antenna Tab contains three different settings. Accuracy
when measuring for a specific setting is essential to ensure
proper machine performance.
• Measure and enter the horizontal distance from the rear axle to
the position of the GPS antenna. Select In Front or Behind from
the list box to indicate the position of the antenna in relation to the
rear axle.
• Measure and enter the horizontal distance from the centerline of
the vehicle to the position of the GPS antenna. Select Left or Right
to indicate the position from the vehicle centerline.
• Measure and enter the vertical height of the antenna above the
Note: Accuracy when measuring for a specific setting is essential to ensure proper machine performance.
Hitch Tab Settings The hitch tab allows you to enter in the
distance from four different mounting positions on the tractor
to the rear axle. Use the Number Pads to enter these values
in for the respective hitch point.
Note: Accuracy when measuring for a specific setting is essential to ensure proper machine performance.