Ag Leader InSight Ver.8.0 Users Manual User Manual

Page 270

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3. Read instructions and disclaimer

Read instructions and disclaimer regarding the shape file conversion process. User knowledge of the
column name containing the product recommendation is required to complete this process. Press NEXT
to continue.

• If you are loading a prescription for a multiple product configuration, proceed to

“Select the Number and

Products for Variable Rate” on page



• If you are loading a prescription for a single product configuration, skip ahead to

“Product And Units Selection”

on page



4. Select the Number and Products for Variable Rate

If you have more than one product that can be controlled loaded on the Run Screen of the display, the
window appears.

Use the up and down arrows to select the number of products for a variable-rate prescription.

Note: Enter the number of products that require a prescription. Manually-controlled products do not require
a prescription and should not be included.

5. Select Equipment Configuration for Prescription

If you selected more than one product in the previous step, then the window appears.

Select the appropriate equipment configuration to apply the prescription.

Press NEXT to continue.

6. Product And Units Selection

From the product list box, make the selection that matches the units that the Rx map was exported for.

Select the controlling units for product application.

Press NEXT to continue.

Note: In this case, the recommendation could have been generated to represent units of Potash or units of K.

7. Select Data From Shape File

From the list on the left, select the column that contains the product recommendation rate. The list on the
right side of the dialog shows sample data from the selected column.

Press NEXT to continue.

WARNING: Selection of the wrong data column or unit will result in misapplication of product.

8. Default Rate Setting

The display assigns a default rate, use the on-screen keypad to edit the value if desired.

Note: The only time the default rate is used by the display is during product application is if the Rate Outside
of Field selection is set to " TGT Default". This setting is located in the equipment configuration settings portion
of configuration setup. If the Rate Outside of Field selection is set to "TGT Default", the default target rate will

be used for product application when the vehicle exits a mapped field area.