Ag Leader InSight Ver.8.0 Users Manual User Manual
Page 208

6. Component Base Amount
Enter the base amount of the first component.
Press Finish to complete the process of adding the first component.
Note: The Base Amount is the total weight of this component of the fertilizer blend.
7. Add Additional Components
A dry mix can contain up to seven individual components.
Press Add to start adding an additional component.
Note: The remaining base amount that is available after adding product components is shown at the bottom
of the on-screen list box.
8. Select Additional Components
Select the second component for the dry mix.
Press NEXT to continue.
9. Set Product Base Amount
Enter the base amount of the component.
Press FINISH to complete the process of adding the component.
Note: The Base Amount is the total weight of this component of the fertilizer blend.
10. Second Component Added
Mix/Blend contents screen showing the second product added.
Add additional components as desired.
Press NEXT after final blend component has been added.
11. Name Blend
Enter Manufacturer name if applicable.
Use the on-screen keyboard to enter a unique name for the
Press Finish to complete the process of setting up the dry
12. List Showing New Blend
Product screen showing the new dry blend as a selection in
the Product List.
Note: Select a product to view the individual components and amounts in the Mix/Blend Information frame.