Omnistar differential setup, Star d, Ifferential – Ag Leader InSight Ver.8.0 Users Manual User Manual
Page 54: Etup

These check boxes represent various communication protocols or formats that have been set by the National
Marine Electronics Association (NMEA), and used in information "strings" or sentences output by the GPS
Receiver. At present, the display only uses two NMEA Message formats: GGA and VTG.
• GGA - This NMEA message format is the data fix that establishes your position in longitude and latitude.
• VTG - This NMEA message format stands for ground speed (velocity) in area over distance
• GLL, GSV, GSA, ZDA, RMC, MSS - Leave these other NMEA message formats unchecked, unless you are
connected to a third-party monitor and have been directed to do so.
The use of OmniSTAR® differential requires purchase of a
subscription from OmniSTAR®. Settings related to using
satellite differential correction vary based upon your
geographic location. Setup details are explained in the
following table. More specific information can be obtained by
contacting OmniSTAR.
Note: You will need to know this number when contacting OmniSTAR in order to set up the receiver.
• Differential Source
The choices include VBS, HP/XP, and HP/XP with VBS backup. These three options are described below.
OmniSTAR VBS (Virtual Base Station) is a "sub-meter" level of service.
• Xp
The OmniSTAR XP service is more accurate than VBS, but slightly less accurate than HP. It provides short-
term accuracy of a few inches and long term repeatability of better than 20 centimeters.
The OmniSTAR HP (High Performance) service is the most accurate of the three options.
• HP/XP with VBS backup
If this option is chosen, and you lose your HP/XP signal, your receiver will automatically switch to VBS.
• Frequency
In the Frequency drop-down list box, select the geographic region where you are located. In the example
above, the Central USA has been selected. If you wish to enter a Custom Frequency, select Custom,
located at the bottom of this drop-down list box.
• Custom Frequency
If you wish to enter a Custom Frequency, select Custom from the Frequency drop-down list box. Then enter
the frequency number in the text box below.
Note: Ag Leader Technology does not provide custom frequency numbers. Enter a number only if directed
to by OmniSTAR.
• Baud Rate