Alarms on kinze planter monitor, Button. for more information, see, Alarms – Ag Leader InSight Ver.8.0 Users Manual User Manual

Page 177: Alarms on kinze, Kinze p, Larms on, Lanter, Onitor

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Solution: Check the stepper seed motor to see if it is restricted from turning, and that the

hydraulic drive is working.

Error Message: “Meter Not Moving - Drive #”

Possible Cause: Either the Seed Meter Calibration failed, or the Seed Meter Prime failed.

Solution: Make sure that the tractor’s hydraulic outlet is turned on.

Error Message: “Seed Drive at Maximum RPM Drive #”

Possible Cause: If you start the priming routine and the hydraulic motor is not on.

Solution: - Slow the planter unit’s ground speed.

- Reduce the Planting Target Rate.







KINZE Planter Monitor users who see the Active Alarms
window (as shown) can use the scroll bar on the right
hand side to locate the row units where the alarm is
occurring. Acknowledge the alarm by pressing the Exit
button. After you have dismissed the alarm, you may
continue planting, however, the alarm will continue
showing in the title bar. You may also review the alarm
information underneath the Seed Tab of the System
Information window, which can be accessed by pressing
the System button.

The table below describes various alarms that may occur
at display startup. The following pages describe errors
that could occur during field operations.

Error Message: “Sensors calibrating wait for calibration”

Possible Cause: PMM startup

Solution: Wait for Planter Monitor Module (PMM) to finish before beginning operation.

Error Message: “(Row #) sensor not detected”.

Possible Cause: Population sensor did not begin communicating with the PMM.

Solution: Acknowledge the error by pressing OK. Check the LED on the sensor to see if it is

working properly. If it has failed, then replace the sensor. Refer to the KINZE Planter
Operator’s manual for further instructions.

Error Message: “Clean or replace sensor (Row #) as necessary”.

Possible Cause: Population sensor dirty.

Solution: Press OK to dismiss the error. Then clean the sensor and restart the display.

Error Message: “(Row #) mux bus data line short to mux bus ground”.

Possible Cause: Population sensor’s mux bus signal wire is shorted to ground.

Solution: Press OK to dismiss the error. The display then replaces the message window

with an alarm text on the header bar at the top of the Run screen. This alarm text
continues until the wire is fixed or the sensor is disabled. Inspect the wire at the first

Error Message: (Row #) mux bus data line short to mux bus power”.

Possible Cause: Population sensor’s mux bus signal wire is shorted to power wire.

Solution: Press OK to dismiss the error. The display then replaces the message window

with an alarm text on the header bar at the top of the Run screen. This alarm text