Yaskawa MP940 User Manual

Page 161

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MP940 Functions

4.7.3 MP940 Servo Control Function


Feed forward gain

Can be changed using the Feed Forward Gain motion setting parameter

Speed loop gain

1. Set the following parameters of the SGDH SERVOPACK beforehand.

Pn100: Speed Loop Gain
Pn101: Speed Loop Integral Time Constant

Pn104: No. 2 Speed Loop Gain
Pn105: No. 2 Speed Loop Integral Time Constant

2. Switch using the Gain Switch motion setting parameter (OBC0012) in the Run

Commands (OWC001).

Note: To change parameters of the SGDH SERVO-

PACK Pn100, Pn101, Pn104, and Pn105, use
SGDH SERVOPACK command communica-

Speed loop integral time

Position loop integral time

Can be changed using the Position Control Integral Time Constant motion setting
parameter (OWC035).

Soft start acceleration time

Can be changed using the following SGDH SERVOPACK command communica-
tions: parameter of the SGDH SERVOPACK Pn305 “Soft Start Acceleration Time
Constant” and parameter Pn306 “Soft Start Deceleration Time Constant”.

Soft start deceleration time

Forward torque limit

There are two methods for switching the torque limit.

1. Control Using the Torque Limit Command from the MP940

Set the limit value using the Forward Torque Limit Setting motion setting
parameter (OWC002).

2. Using Parameters of the SGDH SERVOPACK

Change the parameters using SGDH SERVOPACK command
Pn402: Forward Torque Limit
Pn403: External Input Forward Torque Limit
Pn405: Reverse Torque Limit
Pn406: External Input Reverse Torque Limit

Switch between forward and reverse using the Forward External Torque Limit
Input (OBC0013) and Reverse External Torque Limit Input (OBC0014) settings in
the Servodriver Operation Commands motion setting parameter (OWC001).

Reverse torque limit


Method of Change