9 opening the counter module definition window, Configuration information, Tab windows – Yaskawa MP940 User Manual

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MP940 Functions

4.4.9 Opening the Counter Module Definition Window


4.4.9 Opening the Counter Module Definition Window

Open the Counter Module Definition Window from the Module Configuration Definition
Window. Refer to the sections on opening individual Module Definition Windows.


Configuration Information

The Counter Module configuration information is displayed in the upper part of the defini-
tion screen. Set the configuration information using the Counter Module Configuration Def-
inition Window.


Tab Windows

The Counter I/O Definition Window has two tab controls, Fixed Parameter Settings and I/O
Data Settings.

When you open the Counter I/O Definitions Window without any settings having been made, the Cre-
ate New Message Box will be displayed. Click the OK Button, and then proceed to the next operation.




PT number

The logic port number of the Programming Device

CPU number

The control CPU number

Rack number

Displays the virtual rack number defined in the Counter Module.

Slot number

Displays the virtual slot number defined in the Counter Module.

Register range

Displays the I/O register range allocated in the Counter Module.

Tab Window Name


Fixed Parameter

Sets the Counter fixed parameters.

I/O Data Settings

Sets the Counter I/O data.