Renesas SH7641 User Manual
Page 82

Section 2 CPU
Rev. 4.00 Sep. 14, 2005 Page 32 of 982
and end addresses of a loop (the contents of the RS and RE registers are slightly different from the
actual loop start and end addresses).
The modulo register, MOD, is provided to implement modulo addressing for circular data
buffering. MOD holds the modulo start address (MS) and modulo end address (ME).
In order to access RS, RE and MOD, load/store (control register) instructions for these registers
are provided. An example for RS is as follows:
Rm -> RS
LDC.L @Rm+,RS;
(Rm) -> RS, Rm+4 -> Rm
RS -> Rn
STC.L RS,@-Rn;
Rn-4 -> Rn, RS -> (Rn)
Address set instructions for RS and RE are also provided.
LDRS @(disp,PC); disp
× 2 + PC -> RS
LDRE @(disp,PC); disp
× 2 + PC -> RE