GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 98

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To enler Ihe program mode you need to cto the

1. Beginning №lh (he ignition in LOCK. Pud back on

the turn signal/multituncbon lever all the way


until fiash-to-pass la activaled, and hold

il while you perform the next step.


Turn your key to RUN and LOCK twice. Then, with

the key in LOCK, release the (urn
srgnal/multifunction lever. Ones you do Bits, you will

hear the lock mechanism lock and unlock

3. You are now ready to program Ihe automatic door

lockSn Select one of the following four pnogrartirmlng
options and follow The instructions. You will have
Thirty secoTid& to complete programming. It you
e>rceed the Ihlrty-second IImil, the locks will

automatically lock and unlock to IndtcaTe you hO’/e
left the program mode. If this occurs, repeat Ihe
procedure beginning with Step I. You can exit ihe

program mode any lime by turning the ignition

to RUN (The locks will automatically lock and unlock

to indicate you are leavirrg the program mode,) If
the lock/unlock switches are not pressed while
In the prograrnming mode, the automatic todf''unlock
setting will not he modlfied-

The lollowing Is a list of iha available programming


All doors lockfOnly the driver's door unlocks:

Press the lock side of the power door lock switch


door panel once and then the unlink

side once.

■ All doors lock/AI] doors unlock: Press Ihe lock

side of the power door lock awhtch on Itie door
panel once, and then the unlock side twice,

* All doors lock/None of the doors unlock: Press

the lock side of Ihe power door lock switch on ihe
door panel once, and then the unlock side three

■ No doors lock/Nono of the doors unlock: Press

The lock sicie ol the power door lock switch on the
door panel twice. This turns off the aulomaTlc
lock feature.

For more InformatFon. see your dealer.
