Manual selectable ride, Manual seleciable ride ^11 – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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If desifi^cl, you дзп change the TAS outomainc

engagement fealure so lhat tíie system will nol come on
automatically when the engine is started. To ele so;

1. Park the vehicle with the ignition ott and Ihe

transmission in PARK (P),


Turn the ignition to RUN; do not start the engine.

3. Apply the brake pedaL press the accelerator

pedal to the floor and (tien press Itie TAS on^oH
button and hold it down for al Jeasl six seconds.

4. Release the TAS button and both perdáis.

5. Turn off the ignition and wail a few seconds.

The next lime you atari your vehicle^ The


will not

automatically ooms on. Vou can resiom the aulomatr'c
feature by using ihe same procedure. Wiiether (he TAS

IS sel ro come on autematically or not, угзу can always

turn the system on or oH by pressing the TAS on/off

Manual Selectable Ride

The main function of this system is to provide sups nor
tide ciDJiifort whita trailering Or fully foadedn as well
as for unloaded driving. This system also helps
to provide;

• Improved traflering stabifify

• Improved handling response when fraifering or fully




This button Is located on

the center of ihe
Inslfumgnt panel near the
radio. Press It to activate
the selectable ride
setting as desired. An
indicator fight near
the button will Illuminate

whenevar the system

Is active.

it is recommended lo use this system as (ollows:

* For optimum hde comfod in an unloaded vehicle

Ihe button should be out and Ihe Indicator light
will nol be illuminated. This switch position indicates


levels of ride conlrol Or damping.

• For optiimim ride comforf when frail's ring, fully

loaded, driving ott'road, or when personal
preferences demand more confnol the button should
be pressed In with the mdrostor tight illuminated.
This switch position indicates FIRM levels ot
rtde conffiol or damping.

The following guide can also be used lo help determine
the best setting.
