Shifting into park (p), Д caution, Shifting into park (p) д caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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It the Ignition Is on when Ihe pariitng brake is released,
Ihe brai(e syslem warning light will go off


Driving wlLh Ibe parking brake on can

cause yobr rear brakes to overheat. Vou may have
to replace (hem^ and you could also damage

other parts of your vehicle,

ir you are towing a I nailer and are parking on any hlll^

see Towing



on page 4-66.

Shifting Into Park (P)


h can be dangerous to get out of your vehicle

ff the shift lever is not fully in PARK (P) with

the parking brake firmly set- Your vehicle can

roll. IT you have left the engine running, the
vehicle can move suddenly. Vou or others

CAUTION: (Continued)

CAUTION: (Continued)

could be injured. To be sure your vehicle won't
move, even when you're on fairly leveE ground,
use the steps that follow. With four-wheel

drive, if your transfer case is in NEUTRALr
your vehicle will be free to roll, even if your
shift lever Es in PARK (P). So, be sure the

transfer case is In a drive gear — not In

NEUTRAL. If you're pulling a trailer, see
"TowEng a Trailer” In the Index.

1, Hold


brake pedal down wilh your right fool and

sel the parking brake.

2. Move tha shift lever into PARK (P) position tike this:
