A caution, Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 399

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To leplace the errgjne arr deaner/liHer cfo ihe iol lowing:

1, Loosen (he screws on the cover of ihe housing

artd lift up the cover.

2.. Pemovfl the air deaner.^ltar frcmi the housing. Cane

should be latierr to disfodge as littfe dirt as possible

3. Clean the filter sealing surface and the housing.

4^ install the new angine air cleanor/filter,

5. Painstgll the cover and ttghien the scnew&.

Hater to lha Mqintonanco Schadulo lo determine when
la replace Ihe engine air cleaner/tiller See

Pari Bi






page G-1 h





Operating the engine with the air deaner/Illter

Can Cause

you or others to be burned. The

air cleaner not only cleans the air, il stops
flame if the engine backfires, if it isn’t there
and the engine backhreSr you could be burned.

Don't drive with it off, and be careful working

on the engine with the air cleaner/flller off.


If the air cleaner/fiiter is ofl^ a backfire can

cause a damaging engine fire. And. dirt can
easily get into your engine, which wifi damage II.
Always have the air cleaner/fliter in pface when
youVe driving.