Cassette tape messages – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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^ SEEK ^ : The right arrow is Ihe same as the
NEXT pushbutton, anci the Eett arrow is ihg sume as the


REV pushbutton. |( the anow Is held or pressed

more than once, the player will continue moving iofward

or backward through the tape. SEEK and a positive
or negative number wifi appear on the display.

SCAN ► : To scan the tape, press and hold either

SCAN arrow for more than E


seconds until SCAN

appears on the display and you hear a beep. Use this
feature to listen to 10 seconds of each selection on
the current side of the tape. Press either SCAN arrow
again, to stop scanning, Your tapa must have al

least three seconds of silence between each selecüon
for scan to wori(.

BAND: Press this button to listen to the radio when a
tape is playing. The tape will slop bul remain in lho


TAPE DISC: Press this button to play a lape when

listening to the radio. Press this button to switch
between the tape and compact disc if both are loaded.

The inactive tape or CD will remain safely inside the

radio for future listenIrtg.

(Eject): Press this button !□ stop a lape when it is

playing Of to eject a lape when it is no! playing. Eject may
be activated with the radio off. Cassette opes rnay be
loaded with the radio off if this button is pressed Trst.

CHK TAPE (Chech Tape)t If CHK TAPE appears on
the radio display, the lapa won't play because of one оГ
the follpwing errors.

• The tape is tight and the player can't turn the tape

hubs. Remove the lape. Hold the tape with the
open end down and try to turn the right huh
counterclockwise with a pencil. Turn the tape over
and repeat. If the hubs do noi turn easily, your
Tape may be damaged and should not be used in
the player. Try a new lape to make sure your player
is working properly.

■ The tape is broken. Try a new tape.

• The tape IS wrapped around the lape head.

Altempl to gel the cassette out. Try a new tape.

CLEAN: If this message appears on the display, Ihe
cassette tape player needs to be cleaned. It will slill ptay
tapes, but you should cJean ¡1 as soon as possible to
prevent damage lo the fapes and player. See Care

Youf CäSseIt&



orr pa^e 5-


If any error occurs repeatedly or if an еггог сапТ be



your dealer.

Cassette Tape Messages
