Rear seat passengers – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Rear Seat Passengers

It’s very jmportanl for г


аг seat passengers lo buckle

up! Accident siadsTics show thal unbelled people in the
reai seal are hurt того cfien in crashes lhan those

who are wearing safety bells.

Rear passengers who aren'l satety belted can be
thrown out of the vehicle


a crash. And they can strike

others In Ihe vehicle who are wearing safety bells.

Rear Seat Outside Passenger Positions
(Extended Cab and Crew Cab)

Lap-Shoulder Beh

Here’s how to wear a lap-shoulder belt properly.

1. Pick up Ihe lalch plate and pull the bell across you.

Don’t lei it get twisted.

ThQ shoulder belt may lock If you pull the belt

across you very quickly. H this happens, let the hell

go back slightly to unlock iL Then pull the belt
across you more slowly.
