Fuels in foreign countries, Filling your tank – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Fuels in Foreign Countries

If you pifjn on drivini] in antjfheF counlry outside ttig

Uniled Stales or Canada, the proper fue! may be hard
to find. Mever use leaded gasoHne or any




rocorriTtiended in the

previous tent on



repairs caused hy


of improper fuef lAiouldn't be

co\/ered by your warranly,

To check Ihe fuel availabiNty, ask an auto club, or
contact a major oil corripany Ihgt does business in the
couniry where you'll be driving.

Filling Your Tank

Fuel vapor is highly flarnmable. It bums

violenLlVp and that can cause vary bad Injuries.

Don't smoke If you're rear fuel or refueling

your vehicle. Keep sparkSr flarres and smoking

materials away from fuel.

The fuel cap Is located bahind a hinged door on the
drver’s side ol the vehicle.
