Stopping and resume playback, Ejecting a disc, Dvd messages – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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stopping and Resume Playback

To atop a disc, ptess arnd release ihe stop button on ihe
DVO player or ttie nemciie control. To resurme playback,
prosa the play^pause button on Ihe DVD player or

the remoto conirol, As long as the disc has not heon

ejected and the slop bettoo has not been pressed twice,
the movie should resume play trom where it was last
stopped. It the disc has been ejected, or if Ihe stop
bulton has been pressed twice, the disc will resume play
at the beginning.

Ejecting a Disc

Press the eject butlon on the DVO player to eiect (he disc.

If a disc is ejected from the player, but is not removed,
Ihe DVD player will reload the disc within 25 to 30
seconds. The disc will ihen be stored in the DVD player.
The DVD player will nol resume play of this disc

DVD Messages

The following errors may he displayed on the video

• Disc Format Firor; This message will bg drspJayad

it a disc IS InsertEd Upside down, ii the disc is not
able to be read or if the disc fomnat is not

compatible with Ihe DVD player.

• Load/Eject Error: This message wilt be displayed if

the disc is nol prapBriy leaded or ejeded.

* Disc Play Error: This message will he displayed II

the OVD player can nol play the disc. Severely

damaged discs will cause this error

* Region Code ErrorH This message will be

displayed if ihe region code of the DVD is nol
compatible wilh Ihe DVD player.

* No Disc: This rnessaga will be displayed if Ihe

PLAV button Is pressed and no disc is in the player.

Parenial Control ButLon: This burton is located on the

front of the OVD consolen behiirtd the video screen,

near the driver of ihe vehicle. Press this bulton while a
DVD or CD is playing Co treoze the video and muto
the audio. The video screen will display Parental Control

OW and Ihe power mdicator light on the DVD player

will flash. It will also disable all other button operations

from the remote control and Ihe DVD player [with

the e;(ception of Ihe eject button). The driver will ihen
he able to gain the attentior^ oí the rear seat passengers.
Press this button again to restore normal operation of

the DVD player.

This bulton may also be used lo tum ihe DVD player

power on and autoitialically resutne play If the vehicle is
in an anabled power mode.
