A caution, Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 69

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Air bags inflate with great farce, fiast«r than the
blink of an aye. If you're loo cfose to an
inflatirrg air bag, as you would be ff you wore
leaning forward, it could seriously Injure you.
Saffety belts help keep you in position before
and during a crash. Always wear your safely
belt, even with air hags. The driver should sit
as far back as possible while sifll maintaining
control of the vehicle.



Anyone who fs up against, or very close to,
any air bag when It Inflates can be seriously
injured or killed. Air bags plus lap'Shoulder
bells offer the best protection for adults, but
not for young children and infants. Neither
thevehicle's safely bell system nor Its air bag
system is designed For them. Young children
and infants need the protection that a child
restraint system can provide. Always secure
children properly in your vehicle. To read how,
see the parts of this manual called "Older
Children" and ""Infants and Young Children".

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