Using song list mode – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Using Song List Mode

The Integraied si3(-disc CD changer has a fsalure called

seng list. This fsaUire is capable of saving 20 iracK

To save traclfs into the song list feature, perform the
following slepsr

1. Turn the disc player on and load it with at least one

disc. See "LOAD CD" listed previously in this

seclion lor more inionnation.

2. Checl( to see that the disc changer is not In song

lisi mode. S-LIST should not appear in the display.
If S-LIST is present, press the EOMG LIST

button to turn it off,

3. SelecI the desired disc by pressing the numbered

pushbutton and (hen use the SEEK SCAN tight

arrow button to locate the Irack that you want
to save. The track wilt begin lo play.

4- Press and hold the SONG LIST button for two or

more seconds lo save the track Inlo memory.
When EQNG LtST Is pressed a baep will be heard

immediately. Alter two seconds of pressing

SONG LIST continuously, two heaps wilt sound to

confirm thal Ihe tracts has been saved.

5. Repeat Sieps 3 and 4 lor saving o(her seieciions.

If you attempt to save more than 20 selections, S'LIST
FULL will appear on ihe display.

To play the song Hal, press the SONG LIST butlofi. One
beep will be heard and S-LIST will appear on Ihe
display The racorded tracks will begin to play In ihe

order thal they were saved.

You may seek ihrough the song lisl by using the SEEK
SCAN arrows. Seeking past the Iasi saved track will

return you to the first saved track.

To delete iracKs tram the song list, perform tha following

1 Turn the disc player on.

2. Press the SONG LIST button to turn song fist on.

S-LIST will appear on the display.

3. Press the SEEK SCAN arrow& to sefeci The desired

track to be deleterl.

4. Press and' hold the SONG LIST button for two

seconds. When pressing SONG UST, one beep
wilt be heard inn mediata ly. After two seconds

ol pressing fhg SONG LIST button corillnuousiy,
two beep5 will be heard to confirm thal the track has

been deleted.

After a track has been deteted, the remaining Tracks are
moved up the list. When another track is added to the

song list the track will be added To The end ol the list.

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