When should an air bag inflate – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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The right ffOrit passenger's air bag is in th^ inatrumenl
panel ori the passenger's side.

If someihing is between an occupant and an
aFr bag, the bag might not inf Fate properly or it
might force the object into that person causing

severe injury or even death. The path of an
inflating air bag must be kept clear □an t put

anything between an occupant and an air bag,
and don't attach or put anything on the
steering wheel huh or on or near any other air
bag covering.

When Should an Air Bag Inflate?

An air bag is designed to ínflale In a morierate 1o severe


or near-frontal crash. The

air bag will


oniy if the Irnpact speed is above the system's designed
"thresholdi lleve L'

In gny partkiular crash, no one can say whelher an air
bag should have Jnllaied simply because of the damage
lo a vehicle or because of whi^t the repair costs were.
Inflation is delonnined by (he angle of the impaci
and how quickly the vehicle slows down in frontal or

noar-frontal impacts.
