Replacing restraint system parts after a crash – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Replacing Restraint System Parts
After a Crash


A crash can damage tha resiraint systems in

your vehicle. A damaged restraint system may

not properly protect the person using It,

resulting in serious Injury or even doalh In a

crash. To help make sure your restraint

systoins are working properiy after a crash,

have them inspected and any necessary

repiacements made as soon as possible.

If you’ve had a crash, do you need new belts or LATCH

systern parts?

After a very minor coHiston, nothing may be necessary^
But rf


belts were slretchod. as they would be if worn

during a more severe crash, then you need new parts.

II Ihe LATCH system was being used during a more

severe crash, you may need new LATCH system parts.

If bells are cut or damaged, replace them. Collision

damage also may mean you wNI need lo have LATCH
system, safety belt or seal parts repaired or replaced.
New parts and repairs may be necessary even it the belt

or LATCH system wasn't being used al the time oi
the collision.

ff an air bag mflaiesH you'fl need to replace air bag
system pads. See the part on Ihe air hag system earlier

in this sechon.
