Power sems, Power lumbar – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Power Sems

* *

If your vÉtilcle hÉs


power seat, you сап adjusl il wilh

these controls localed on the outtwanci sides of the seáis.

* Raise

or lower the front of Ihe seat Cushion by raising

or lowering The torward edge



horizontal cootfol.

* Move the seat forward or rearward by mo\/ing Ihe

whole horizontal coniroi forward or rearward.

* False or loWOr Ihe rear of the seal cushion by raising

or lowering the rear edge of the horizontal control

* Moving (he whole honzontal cqnlTigl up or dqwn

raises or lowers the enlire seat cushion.

il your vehicle has power reclining seats, you can use


vertical control to adjust the angle of the seatoacw.

Move ihe reclining front Saalback rearward or forward
by rrrriving the control toward the rear or the front of the
vehicle. See

Reclining Seatbacks an pegs 1-5.

Power Lumbar

If ycuf vehicle has this

fealura, fha four-way
control Is located on the
outboard srde of the seal.

To increase or decrease suppod. press and hold iha

front oi rear of the controk Lei go cf the control when the
lower sealback reaches the desired level of support.

You can also reshape the Side wing area ol the
lower sealback Гог more lateral support. To increase or
decrease support, press and hold the top or bollom
ot the contrct. Let go of the control when the tower
seatbach reaches the desired leva! of support.