GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 184

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Outlet Adjustment

• Keep thfl hood and ironl air inlets fnee of ice, snow.

Of any Dthef obstruction (such as leaves). The

heater and cfefroster will work far better, reducing
the chance ol fogging the inside of yuur wirxJows.

♦ Keep Ihe air path under The front seats clear o!

QhjBcta. This heips air to circuTate throughout your

* Add ing outside ecjuipmenr to the Ironl of your veh Ida.

such as hood-air deffectors, elc., may affect the
performance of ihe heating and air conditioning
system. Check with your dealer before atiding
equipment to the outside of your vehide.

Operation Tips

Use Ihe air outlets located in Ihe confer and on tlie side
□f your Instfu merit panel to direci the airflow.

Your vehicle has air outlets that aNow you to adjust the
direction and amount of airflow inside the vehicle.
Move the louvers up OF down. Use the thumbwheel next
to or underneath the outlet to dose Ihe louvers. For
the most efficient airflow and tempo ralure coninol, keep
the outlet In the fully opened poaibon^

II your vehicle is equipped with rear seat outlets ihey

can be used to adjust airflow toward either seating aroai
the door, or upward. Move tha center louver up or

down to direct the airflow.
