Uniform tire quality grading – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 454

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Quality grades can be lound where applicable on (he


between liead






For ejfaruple:

Tfeadwear 200 Traction AA Temperature A

The fnllowlfip Infomnalion relates lo (he systeru
developed by the United States NaUonal Highway
Tratttc Safety Admin Islration^ which grades (ires by
treadwear, traclion and temperatLire performance. (This

applies only to vehicles sold In (he Uniled States.)
The grades are molded on Iho sidewalls of mosl
passenger car tirgs. The Unilorm Tire Quality Grading
system dees not apply (


deep treadn winto retype

snow (lies, spacS'savBF or temporary use spare tires^

tires with nominal rim diameiers of 10 to 12 inches

(2S I


30 cm), or to some limfted-producUon tires.

While (he tires available on General Motors passenger
cars and light trucKs may vary Wihh respect to these

grades, (hey must also conlorm to lederal safety
requirements and additional General Mptars Tire
Performance Criteria (TPC) standards.

Uniform Tire Quality Grading

The treadwear grade is a crDmpafaitve rating basgd on
toe wear rate of the lire when lested under controlled
conditions on a specified government lest course,
Гог ejiampie, a tire graded 150 would wear one and
a half (1.S) times as well on toe government course as

a lire g faded 1СЮ, Tha relative performance of tires
depends upon the actual conditions of toe!г use,
however, and may depart stgnrficantly Irom the norm
due to variations in driving habits, service practices and
differences In road characteristics and climate.

Traction - AA, A, B, C

The traction grades, from highest tq lowest, are AA, A,

B, and C. Those grades represent the tire’s abilily

to stop on wet pavement as measijred under controlled
conditions on specified government lest surfaces of

asphall and concrete. A tire marked C may have poor

traction performance. Warning: The tracbon grade

assigned to this bra is based on straight-ahead braking
Irflcbon tests, and does nol include acceleration,
cornering, hydroplaning, or peaklracliori characteristics.

