Section 7 customer assistance information – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Section 7 Customer Assistance Information

Customer Assistance Intormatiori..........................


Cuslomar SBlIstaclion Procedurs ...........................


Online Owner Center ............. ,............................... 7-3
Cuslorrtgr Assistance for Тел1 telephone

(TTY) Users ................................................. ...7-4

Cuslomer Assistance Offices.................................7-4
GM Mobility Program for Persons with

Disabifities................................................. .....7-5

poadsjde Assistance Program ............... ............... 7-6
Courtesy Tfansportation ................. *.......................7-7
Peporting Safety Oefeols to the United States

^?ovemi”itent ................ ..... ...............■.■■■■■■■■■...7*^

Reporting Salely Defects lo the Canadian

Goveminent ..................... ................................. 7-10

Reporting Safely Detects to General Motors .„..7-to
Service Publicalions Ordering Information ............ 7-10
