Checking brake fluid, Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Checking Brake Fluid

You can check the brake fluid wHhoul taking off the tap.

Just look at (he brake fluid resen/oir. The fluid level

should be above MIN. If I1 isn't have your brake sysfenn

checkeci to see if ihere is a leak.

After work is done on the brake hydrauhc system, make
sure Uie level is above Hie MEN hul not ovar the

MAX rrtark.

What to Add

When you do need brake fliuid, use only DOT-3 brake
fluid. Use new brake iluid from


seated container

only. See Pad

D. ftecommen



on paije 6-13.

Always clean Ihe brake fluid ieservoir cap and the area
around the cap belore removing it This will help
keep dirt Irom eniering Ihe reservoir.



with the wrong

kind of fluid in

your brake

systern, your brakes may not work welk or
they may not even work al aif. This could
cause a crash. Always use the proper

brake fluid.
