What to do with used oii, How to reset the gm oil life system – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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How to Reset the GM Oil Life System

Press the iuB) intoiinatiQn butlon unbC ENGfWE OIL LIFE

apfwars in ihe display, The GM Oil Uie Eysiem shows
an estirnate af (he all's remaining useful IHe. 11 will show

100% when ihe system is reset after an olJ change. Il

will alert you to change your oil on a schedule consistent
with your diivilng cortdiiionsH

Always resei the engine ail Hie after an oil change. To

resel the CHi Liie System press and hold ihe select

buHon while EWGINE OIL LIFE is displayed.

The DIG does not replace the need to maintain


vehicle as


in the Maintenance Schedule

in this manual Also, the oil change rennincier wNI not

dusty conditions or





affect the oil, AlsOn Ihe oiE change reminder does nol

measure how much oil you have In

your engine.



sure to checii your oH level often.

What to Do with Used Oii

Used engine oil canlatns csrlain elements that may t>e
unhealthy for your skin and could even cause cancer.
Don't ler used oil stay on your skin far very long. Clean

your skin and nails with soap and water, or a good

hand cleaner. Wash or properly dispose oí clothing
rags containing used engine oil. See the manufacturer's
warnings about the use and disposal of oN producís.

Used oil can be a ihreal lo the environmenL If you

change your own oil, he sure to drain all tho all from the
niter before disposal. Never dispose of oil by pulling


in Ihe trash, pouring it on Iho ground, into sewors, or Into
streams or bodies of water. Instead, recycle it by
laking it lo a place that coilscU used oil. If you have a
problem property disposing of your used oit, ask
your dealer, a service station or a local recycling center

lor help.