GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 343

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What if I want to heavier equipment to my

You can add heavier equipment on the front of the
vehicle if you compensate for if by carrying fewer
passengefs, less cargo, or by positiorring cargo
towards the


This has the effect of reducing the

load on the Iron-t. However, Ihe front GAWF, rear
GAWR and the GVWR must never he eKceedad.

On some vehicles equipped wllh certain front
mounted equfpmeni, such as a snow plow, it
may be possible to load the front axle to the
front GAWH but not have enough weight on
the rear axle to have proper braking

perfornrance. If your brakes can't work
properly, you CDuid have a crash. To help your
brakes work properly when a snow plow is
installudt always follow the snow plow
manufacturer or installer's recommendstion for
rear ballast to ensure a proper front and rear

weight distribution ratio, even though theaclual
front weight rnay be less than the frontGAWR+

and the total vehicle weight is less than the
GVWR. Maintaining a proper front and rear
weight distributiort ratio la necessary to
provide proper braking performance.
