Rear seat top strap anchors (crew cab models), Frorti – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Rear Seat Top Strap Anchors (Crew

Cab Models)

Lower Anchorages and Top Tethers

for Children (LATCH System)

Your vehicle may have Ihs LATCH system. If if doeэ^
you’ll find anchors (A} in the seat^ where itie aeatback
meels the seat cushion. For front passen^i seal
posilfons, there Is an anchor behind and to the bottom
of the seat to secure fhe top strap. For rear confer
seal positions, there is an anchor near the driver's side
rear seat head rest rami

To assist you in locating the lower anchors lor this child

restraint system, each searing position with the
LATCH system will have a visible metal anchor point in

the seat where the seatback meets the seat cushion.

If your vehicle is a Crew Cab model, you'll firrd top strap

anchors lor the rear seating positions located on ihe
back panel of your vehicle, behind the rear seat.

In order lo gel to the brackats, you'll have to remove the

irim plugs covering them.

There are also anchorage points at the rear base of the


passenger s seal.
