Windshield wiper blade replacement – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 446

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Windshield Wiper Blade


Windshield wiper blades should be Inspactad at laasl
tvuK:e a year for wear and cracking. S&e A1 Least T’w/ce
a Year on page 6-12 for more inroirmgticin.

Replacerrient blades come In differonl types and are

removed in different ways. For propet type and length,

Normal Maintenance Repfacemeni Paris an

page 5-

To replace the windshield wiper blade assembly do the


1. Lift the wiper arm and turn Ihe blade until IT Is

facing away from the windshield.

2. Push the release Sever and slide Llie wiper assembly

toward tha drivei^s side of the vehicle.

3. Install a new blade by reversing Sleps 1 and

