Playing the radio – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual
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This system relies upon rEceiving specific Infonnahon
ÎTûiri these slalic^ns and frill onl/ frorit when 1 he
iinjformati-oin Is available. In rare cases, a radio slalion
may broadcast incorrect information thaï will cause
the radio reatures I
frcrk Impraperly, It this happens^
contact ihe radio station,
Whiio you are tuned to an RDS station, the station
name or Ihe call letters will appear on the display instead
oi the frequency. RDS slalions may also provide Ihe
time of day, a program type (PTY) lor currfinl
programming and the nartie Of the program being
XM™ Radio Satellite Service (USA Only):
is a
continenlaf U,S. based satellite radio service that
offers 100 coasi to ooasi channels including music,
news, sports,, talk and children's pnogrammrng, XM'*^
provides digital quaNty audio and te^t Information,
includirig song titte and artisi name, A service fee ts
required In order to receive ihe XM™ service. For more
inlormation, contact at wwfr.)(minadio,cofn or
calf 1-Э00-852-ХМХМ (&6Э5),
Digital Audio Broadcast {DAB} ^Canada Only): DAB
Is □ Canadiar land-based radio service (hat offers digital
quality audio and leiii information Including song title,
artisf name, traffiCj weather, emergency announcements
and more. Digital Audio Broadcast transmission services
areçurrenUy available inToronio, Monireal. Vancouver,
Ottafra, and Windsor. .In fringe areas signals may be
Interrupted by buildings. Irees and othar obsL-uction&-
Additionai services wilt he added in ibe tulure. For current
DAB coverage and other Informalion consull the GM
Canada website at www.gmcar;ada,coin, your dealer or
call 1'800-263-3777
Playing the Radio
PWR (Power): Prss& Ihis knob to turn the system on
and off.
VOt {Volume): Turn this knob to increase or lo
decrease volume.
AUTO VOL (Automatic Volume): With eutomalK:
volume, your audio system frill adjust aulomaNcally to
make up tor road and wind noise as you drive.
Set the volume at the desired level. Press this button to
select LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH. AVOL frill appear on
the display. Each hlgtier setting frill allow tor more
uatume compensation at faster vehicle speeds. Then as
you dnve, automatic volume increases the volume
nticessary to overcome noise at any speed. The volume
level should always sound the same to you as you
drive, MONE wtH appear on the display if the racflü
cannot determine tlig vehicle speed. If you don't want 1o
USB automatic volume, seleci OFF.