Child restraints, Older children – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Child Restraints

Older Children

Older children who have (julgrown booster seats should
wear the vehlc^e''s safety belts.

I( you have the choice^ a child should sit in a seat that
has a lap-shoutdar belt to gel ihe additional restraint
a shouider belt can provide.

Qi Whal ts the proper way to wear safely belts?

Ai !i possible, an older child should wear a

Fap-shoulder belt and get the addilional restraint a
shoulder belt can provide The shoulder beft
should not cross the face or neck. The lap belt
should ft snugly below the hips, just touching the


the thighs.


should never be worn over

the abdomen, which could cause severe or even
fatal iniemai injuries in a crash.

Accident stalislics show that chrldran are safer if Ihey
are restrained in the rear seal.

Ill a crash, childfen who are not buckled up can strike
other peopla who are buckled up, or can be thrown
out o1 the vehicle. Older children naed to use safety
belts properly.
