Rocking your vehicle to get ft out, Using the recovery hooks – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Rocking Your Vehicle To Get ft Out

Firsl, turn your steering wheel leH and right. Thar wiil cEear
ihs area зround your fionl whaets. If you have a
lour-wheel'driva vehicle, shHt inlo

li your vehicle haj

the Traction Assisi Sysiem^ you should turn il off by
pressing theTAS orWoff burton. Then shift bacii and fodh

between REVERSE (Rj and a (orward gear for with a
manual iransmissJon, between FIRST (1) or SECOND f2)
and REVERSE (R)}. apinrting Ihe wheels e$ litUe gs
posstbiSr Release !he accelerator pedal while you shift,
and press Jfghrty on the accelerator pedal when the
transmiasion isJn gear^ By slowly spinning your wheels In
She forward and reverse dfrectlons. you will cause a
rocking motion that may free your vehicta. li that doesn'l
get you out after a few iries^


may need to be towed

out. Or, you can uce your recovery hooks if your vehicle

has them, li you do need to be towed out. see


Your V&hido on



Using the Recovery Hooks

Your vehicle may he equipped wilh recovery hooks. The
hooks are pfpvidod at the front of your vehicia. You may
need to use them If you're stuck off'road and need to be
puHad to some placa where you gan continue driving.
