Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 166

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Setting Cruise Cootrol



lt you Eeave your cruise control on when you're

not using cruise, you might hit a button and go
into cruise when you don't want to. Vou could
be startled and even lose control. Keep the
cruise control switch off until you want to use
cruise control.


. Move the crutss contrai switch to on,

2 .

Get up to the speed you want.

3. Press in (he sei button al the end of the lever and

release it.

Take your toot off the accelerator pedal.

The cruise light on the instrument panol will illuminate
when the ciulse conlrol is engacfed.

Resuming a Set Speed

Suppose you set your cruise oonlrol et a desired speed
and Ihen you apply Ihe brake or press the clutch
pedal [if equipped). This, of course, disengages the
cmise control. But you don't need to reset il.

Once you’re gwng about 25 mph [40 kni/h) or more,
you СЭЛ move Ihe cruise coni rot switch froim on to

resum&'accelerate brieily.

You'll go right back up Id your chosen spaed and stay



you hold the switch al resume/accelerate bnefty, the

vehicle will keep going faster until you release the swilch
or apply the brake. So unless you want to go faster,
don't hold Ihe switch at resunre/acceleratB.
