GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 40

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Mever do this.

H&re iwo chiTdren зге wearing ihe same belt.

The belt сапЧ properly spread the Impact
forces. In a crash, the two children can be
crushed together and seriously injured, A belt

must be used by only one person at a ttime*

Qi What if a child is wearing a lap-shoulder belt,

but the chitd Is so small that the shoulder belt
is very close to the child's lace or neck?

A< If the child is Sittng in e rear outside Seet poSitlOHi

m o v e

the child loward the center of the vehicle.

See Rear Sefeiy


Carnfori Gir/des

far Chiidtsfi


Snt3i( Aduita




If the child Is

sitbrig in the center rear seat poailion of a crew cab,
move the child loward the safety belt buckle. In
either case be sure that the shoulder bell still Is on
the child’s shoulder, so that in a crash the child’s
upper body would have the restraint that belts

If the child is so small ihat the shoutder belt Is still
very dose to ihe child's face or neck, you mighi
w^nl to pla^ce the child ^ ssal that has a lap belt, it
your vehicle has

